444 Washington Street

Selma, Alabama

(334) 874-6271

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Accounting Coordinator

Accounting Coordinator

Accounting Specialist


Under the direction of the President/CEO, the Accounting Coordinator is responsible for maintaining financial and accounting operations, to meet legislative requirements and support operations for the Authority. The Accounting Coordinator is responsible for preparing financial statements, maintaining cash controls, managing the payroll, purchasing, and maintaining accounts payable. The Accounting Coordinator must work with the Financial Management Act, Procurement Policies, and Procedures and in compliance with all Federal and State Tax Laws.

(NOTE: Failure to provide adequate services may result in lost or misused revenues, inaccurate financial statements and financial problems for employees, contractors, and suppliers if the payroll and/or accounts payables are not processed in an accurate and timely manner.)


1. Assisting with preparation of the budget.

2. Implementing financial policies and procedures to ensure the safeguarding of all Authority funds.

3. Establishing, maintaining and reconciling the general ledger.

4. Monitoring cash reserves and investments.

5. Establishing, monitoring and maintaining supplier accounts.

6. Processing supplier invoices.

7. Ensuring data is entered into the accounting system in an accurate and timely manner.

8. Overseeing issuance of checks to satisfy all accounts payable.

9. Acting as Liaison between the Authority and the Authority’s fee accountant firms.

10. Ensuring security of all checks and credit cards and verifying charges.

11. Preparing end of the year tax statements.

12. Assisting with the annual audit process.

13. Maintaining the computerized Housing System.

14. Maintaining financial files and records.

15. Overseeing the accounts payable and accounts receivable systems in order to ensure complete and accurate records of all financial data and funds.

16. Making deposits and reconciling bank accounts.

17. Ensuring employee electronic files are established and maintained in the computerized
accounting system.

18. Performing other related duties as required.