444 Washington Street

Selma, Alabama

(334) 874-6271

Contact SHA

Mon - Fri: 8AM -12PM/1PM - 4PM

Online store always open


The SHA is committed to providing equal opportunity for all business enterprises to participate in the procurement activities of needed services, supplies and equipment.

If you are interested in doing business with the SHA, you are encouraged to complete a Vendor Profile Packet. Once registered, your company will be added to the SHA Bidder’s/Vendor List, and you will receive e-mails of those solicitations which match your company profile.

The SHA advertises its solicitations on SHA’s website, and its formal solicitations in local newspapers.

Please contact SHA at ccurtis@selmahousing.com to request additional information.

Request for Proposals (RFP’s)

RFP for Choice Neighborhoods Market Analysis (September 25, 2024) by 3:00PM

Contract Time: September 2, 2024

The Selma Housing Authority (SHA) manages affordable housing units in Selma, Alabama, offering low-income families and individuals the opportunity to rent decent and sanitary residences. 

Since the establishment of the Selma Housing Authority, we have offered subsidized, income based housing and homeownership opportunities for qualified low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities in Selma, Alabama.

RFP for Custodial and Janitorial Services (August 22, 2024) by 3:00 PM

Contract Time: September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025

By response to this proposal, the contractor(s) or individual(s) doing so thereby agrees to abide by all terms and conditions listed herein and with the following attachments. The SHA, intends to issue one contract for the contract period stated above (12 months) with two one-year extension options at its sole discretion.

The responsibility for submitting a response to this RFP at the SHA office on or before the stated time and date will be solely and strictly the responsibility
of the respondent. The SHA is not liable for any costs incurred by the offeror prior to issuance of a contract. The offeror shall wholly absorb all costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the proposal

RFP for Pest Control Services (April 17, 2024) by close of business: 5:00 PM

The Selma Housing Authority is seeking qualified firms to provide monthly pest control services at all units of the Authority under contract.

The complete Request for Proposals (RFP) details the goals, eligibility requirements, proposal submission contents and instructions, and reporting requirements for program participation. Proposals will be scored against the detailed criteria, and shall meet a minimum scoring threshold to be approved.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall conform to all of the required specifications outlined within this document and any designated attachments in its entirety.

Interested parties may obtain a copy of the full RFP from the download button below. Questions regarding this RFP should be addressed in writing to Kennard Randolph, President/CEO, Selma Housing Authority, P.O. Box 950, Selma, Alabama 36702 or submitted by e-mail to kennard.randolph@selmahousing.com.

RFP for Lawn Care and Grounds Maintenance (April 17, 2024) 3:00 PM

The Selma Housing Authority is seeking qualified firms to provide Lawn Care and Ground Maintenance to the Authority under contract(s) and task orders(s).

The complete Request for Proposals (RFP) details the goals, eligibility requirements, proposal submission contents and instructions, and reporting requirements for program participation. Proposals will be scored against the detailed criteria, and shall meet a minimum scoring threshold to be approved.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall conform to all of the required specifications outlined within this document and any designated attachments in its entirety.

Interested parties may obtain a copy of the full RFP from the download button below. Questions regarding this RFP should be addressed in writing to Kennard Randolph, President/CEO, Selma Housing Authority, P.O. Box 950, Selma, Alabama 36702 or submitted by e-mail to kennard.randolph@selmahousing.com.

RFP Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers

To provide additional affordable housing, Selma Housing Authority (SHA, the Authority) is seeking to place project-based vouchers in new or rehabilitated projects, with a preference for those agreeing to serve as off-site replacement units residents of GWC Homes and other SHA public housing sites. Therefore, SHA is accepting proposals from property owners and developers for the Project-Based Housing Choice Voucher (HCV or Section 8) Program. Qualified existing developments or new construction and rehabilitation projects may be awarded 1 to 20-year contracts renewable to a total of 40 years. Benefits to the property owner include increased and stabilized income and occupancy for the contract period.

Proposals will be accepted by SHA on an on-going basis until all units have been awarded, or the RFP is withdrawn, or at the end of six months. However, available funding is limited, and proposals will be reviewed in the order they are received, and the Authority will provide notice regarding approval of proposals and a conditional reservation of funding within 60 days of proposal submission.

The complete Request for Proposals (RFP), which is available from the Authority, details the goals, eligibility requirements, proposal submission contents and instructions, and reporting requirements for program participation. Proposals will be scored against the detailed criteria, and shall meet a minimum scoring threshold to be approved.
Qualified sites may receive rental subsidy for qualified tenants in up to 25% of the units up to 25 units in a family development (whichever is greater), or up to 100% of the units in a development for seniors, or developments providing permanent supportive housing for special needs populations including the homeless, as laid out in the RFP.
All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall conform to all of the required specifications outlined within this document and any designated attachments in its entirety.

Interested parties may obtain a copy of the full RFP from the download button below. Questions regarding this RFP should be addressed in writing to Kennard Randolph, President/CEO, Selma Housing Authority, P.O. Box 950, Selma, Alabama 36702 or submitted by e-mail to Kennard.randolph@selmahousing.com