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Selma, Alabama

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Low Income Housing

How to Apply for Section 8 in Alabama

Selma Housing Authority

Low-income families in Alabama can learn how to apply for Section 8 housing in order to find an affordable, safe and quality home. For applicants seeking to register for Section 8 housing program benefits, there are a few steps which need to be carefully considered prior to the application.

For example, it is important that before submitting a Section 8 application, the applicant must first find out if his or her family meets the basic program eligibility requirements set by the Public Housing Agency (PHA) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These requirements factor in the family’s income, size, citizenship status and area in which they reside.

The applicant may sign up for HUD housing after eligibility requirements are met. Submit a Section 8 application through the nearest Public Housing Agency.

To find out more regarding how to sign up for Section 8, continue reading below:

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Hud & Sections 8 Applications

Next Steps

  • When to Submit HUD Section 8 Applications in Alabama
  • How to Sign up for Section 8 Benefits in Alabama
  • How to Check the Status of Your Section 8 Application in Alabama
  • When to Submit HUD Section 8 Applications in Alabama

After discovering how to apply for Section 8 housing in Alabama, the next step involves when to submit a Section 8 application. During open enrollment, applicants are able to sign up for HUD housing through their local Public Housing Agency. After a Section 8 application is submitted, priority goes to the applications that were submitted first and so forth down the line.

However, after enrollment periods close, an applicant may still sign up for HUD housing, but they will be placed on a waitlist. By speaking to the PHA, applicants will be able to discover which housing authorities in Alabama remain open throughout the year and which authorities close for specific periods, only accepting a Section 8 application to be placed on a waitlist.

It is important to know not only how to apply for housing assistance, but also when to apply throughout the year so that waiting to find a home does not become an issue. To learn more about the Section 8 application process, download our comprehensive guide.

How to Sign up for Section 8 Benefits

How to Sign up for Section 8 Benefits in Alabama

The first step in determining how to apply for Section 8 housing in Alabama is to discover how applicants are able to submit their Section 8 application. Generally, this is done online, by mail or in-person. Applicants who need more information regarding how to apply for housing assistance can visit in-person at the local PHA office.

This will help the sign up for HUD housing run much smoother for all. For a petitioner who is familiar with how to apply for housing assistance, picking up a copy of the Section 8 application and returning it to the local PHA is an option.

Some PHA offices do not accept walk-in applicants and may require an appointment to be made in advance. For example, the Albertville Housing Authority Section has specific protocols for submitting a Section 8 application. In fact, in order to even register for the Section 8 housing program, the applicant must stop by the office to pick up a pre-application first.

Applicants who know how to apply for housing assistance and who are able to submit an application online will find that this is the easiest and most efficient way to submit a Section 8 application. To sign up for HUD housing online, the applicant must have all of the necessary paperwork and documentation before submitting the application.

Information for a Section 8 Application:

  • Proof of income, which includes pay stubs, W2 forms or tax returns.
  • Bank statements.
  • Asset information.
  • Proof of residency.
  • Social Security verification letter or proof of benefits.

In order to submit a Section 8 application in Alabama, the applicant must also provide photo identification, which may include a driver’s license, passport or state ID, as well as the Social Security cards and birth certificates for all members of the household. It is also important to understand that in order to register for the Section 8 housing program, adults in the household must agree to both a background and credit check.

There are more applicants who sign up for HUD housing than there are housing opportunities available, so it is important to have all the necessary paperwork and documentation prepared ahead of time in order to ensure proper submission.

Checking the Status

How to Check the Status of Your Section 8 Application in Alabama

After the initial sign up for HUD housing in Alabama, applicants are able to check the status of their Section 8 application through their local PHA office. Specific Alabama counties may provide an online option to check Section 8 application status. It may take weeks after applicants initially register for Section 8 housing program benefits to find a status update.

More often than not, a Section 8 application status will only detail the name of the applicant as well as his or her position on the waiting list . If pertinent information changes after submitting a Section 8 application, then this too may affect the applicant’s place in line. For more information regarding how to notify the PHA of changes, download our guide .

It is important to note that priority is given to elderly and disabled Section 8 application submissions over low-income. Those who sign up for HUD housing are given priority based on their current situation as well as their need for assistance.

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