Compassion involves feeling another person’s pain and wanting to take steps to help relieve their suffering. It is related to other emotions such as sympathy, empathy, and altruism, although the concepts have some key differences.
For the people we support, a home is far more than shelter. SHA base eligibility on the total annual gross income and family size and is limited to US citizens and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status.
When the SHA is merely checking into the possibility of acquiring a product or service, it may issue a Request for Quotation (RFQ). A response to an RFQ by a prospective contractor is not considered an offer, and consequently, cannot be accepted by the SHA to form a binding contract. The order is an offer by the SHA to the supplier to buy certain supplies or services upon specified terms and conditions.
Kennard Randolph, President/CEO
Selma Housing Authority mobile payment features ensures you can easily pay your rent with credit, debit, or ACH payment options. Easily manage and maintenance requests; tenants submit maintenance requests through the Selma Housing Authority Tenant app. Users can categorize, prioritize & send status updates for maintenance requests. Our manage communication features makes it easy for tenants and Selma Housing Authority employees to communicate and stay on the same page. Live chat, phone, and email with real human for support. In-app notification to tenants about events in a specific community or all communities. Store and Review lease and documents. Monthly rent invoicing.
The Selma Housing Authority (SHA) app allows tenants, owners, and SHA employees an efficient and effect means of communications to resolve recurring or minor facility concerns.
Users can:
Anyone with an iPad, iPhone, or Android device can easily access the web applications. This allows for you to communicate 24/7.
After users’ first-time login, remain logon to your Home Screen. The home screen dashboard provides quick views:
Users are able to see when rent is due, access the notice board for event details, review or download your lease agreement, send private messages to the Property Manager, and check the status of any maintenance requests.
On the Bill Details tab, you will be able to easily make monthly payments. You will be able to see monthly history of what you have paid. No more second guessing if you have missed a payment! Click on payment history to see all recent payments.
The Maintenance tab is designed to make a maintenance request for any issue you are having. You can add a picture to show the facility exactly what the issue looks like. There is an option to flag if it is of high importance. There will be an in progress or completed box, so you can check to see if it has been fixed, even if you are not home.
On the Lease Document page, you will be able to access the start/end date of your lease and always have a copy of your lease with you. Every detail you want is in your pocket, no more looking for the papers when you need them.
We provide housing without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, familial status, national origin, or other protected class. To file a complaint of discrimination, write HUD Director, Office of Civil Rights, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410 or call Customer Service at (202) 708-1112 (voice) or (202) 708-1455 (TTY). HUD is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
In accordance with federal law and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex or familial status. To file a complaint of discrimination, write HUD Director, Office of Civil Rights, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410, or call (202) 708-1112 (voice) or (202) 708-1455 (TDD).
We provide housing without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, familial status, national origin, or other protected class. To file a complaint of discrimination, write HUD Director, Office of Civil Rights, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410 or call Customer Service at (202) 708-1112 (voice) or (202) 708-1455 (TTY). HUD is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
In accordance with federal law and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex or familial status. To file a complaint of discrimination, write HUD Director, Office of Civil Rights, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410, or call (202) 708-1112 (voice) or (202) 708-1455 (TDD).