444 Washington Street

Selma, Alabama

(334) 874-6271

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Grant Notification

HUD Price Replacement Pilot Exhibit A Executive Summary

The City of Selma Housing Authority is working to mitigate the impacts of Climate Disasters with an innovative approach to Climate Resilience for Selma Housing Authority tenants and tenants of all manufactured housing in Dallas County. We propose a broad tenant outreach process at the 4 Selma HA developments and at 6-8 Manufactured Housing Projects (MHP) owned privately. The effort has two purposes: to build relationships with residents to identify damaged manufactured housing and to build a project-level Climate Action Plan for all developments. We will work with current residents of manufactured housing units to identify and to replace 14 damaged beyond repair manufactured housing with up to 54 units of new, manufactured permanently affordable Zero Energy Homes housing. 

Selma Housing Authority staff will acquire the damaged manufactured units and work with residents who either own or lease their manufactured units to relocate housing under the Uniform Relocation Act requirements and guidance. The Housing Authority will work with the Manufactured Housing Park owners on a process to acquire the units and extinguish any leaseholder obligations with the residents. To accomplish the vision, Selma HA and community tenant outreach, engagement and organizing campaign. The Sponsor is Selma HA development and MHP units.

The Housing Authority will work with Architect, General Contractor, Engineers and Subcontractors to finance the development of 28 new units of manufactured housing financed with the HUD PRICE Replacement Pilot and senior debt to break ground on the parcels that are under a current Purchase Agreement in March 2025. The 7-acre site is located at 3007 Citizen’s Parkway. The goal of the Selma HA is to communicate with e. each and every resident of manufactured housing in the catchment area to determine the specific conditions at every site or RV/Manufactured Home Park and create a comprehensive map of all of the units by location, ownership structure, and identify any damaged or obsolescent homes for replacement. This new development is an element of the Selma Master Plan. Selma Housing Resiliency intends to provide a total of 152 new construction buildings in Selma by the end of the period of performance of this project in 2029.

Infrastructure and new construction work at the site will take 14-16 months to complete at an estimated total cost of $ 19,400,000. The 2- and 3-bedroom units will be designed as accessible, family units and maintain a minimum 45 years of affordability. The units will be produced locally and assembled on-site under the supervision of a General Contractor (GC) who will provide a full Payment and Performance Bond. The GC is experienced on certified payrolls as all labor and subcontracts will be subject to Davis bacon and Related Acts requirements. Upon completion of the new construction and the achievement of certificates of occupancy, the tenants will be relocated back from temporary housing units to their permanent units.

In order to accomplish this project, the Selma Housing Authority will need to hire additional staff and consultants with specialized capabilities in tenant relocation and property development. The budget for Selma Housing Authority (SHA), cost of acquisition of damaged manufactured units, cost of infrastructure and new construction of 54 units and tenant relocation benefits will be $ 400,000. The SHA will leverage a loan from a local HUD MAP and LIHTC 4% allocation lender as cost share or match in the amount of $9,700,001 (50% or more of project total budget). SHA has conducted a feasibility analysis and has coordinated predevelopment activities with our collaborating entities to be ready to implement the project quickly after funding is awarded.

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